Friday, March 21, 2008

This is a chipboard book I made with a number of different papers, rubons, stamps and ribbon.I should have written the recipe down as I went but I didn't so now I'm sorry but what can ya do right? I had so much fun decorating this book ! I bought the book with the rings included (The book was already cut and ready to go). All I did was put the papers on that I wanted, sanded the edges and it was ready ! The book might look big because of the pictures but the pictures are actually resized to be about 2 x 3. The book is about 3" x 8".

This 1st page says Toronto Zoo Aug 2007. Matthew & Jonah are alike when it comes to water fun ! We had to bribe them with ice cream to get them to leave.

This 2nd page says Jonah is such a big boy now. He loves to get himself dressed (you can see in the picture that his pants are on backwards).

This page says You better run Mommy if you know what's good for you ! (The picture of these pages didn't turn out so well. The pic on the left is of my son pointing a water gun right at me).

Messy face ... we love you. (Need I say more?LOL)

This last page says Matthew, what a goof-ball you can be sometimes. here I am trying to take a great picture of my beautiful innocent children and you pretend you're being goosed ! You really make life a lot of fun !
We had such a great day ! We all go to see the animals we love. You guys even got to run through the sprinklers in the water park.


Anonymous said...

This is very cute! This would be a great gift for someone! Great job!

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic! I am so bad at everything but cards, I need to branch out a bit, your book is very inspiring!

Veronica Z said...

Your book is awesome! I love the papers you used. Great work!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous little book! Love it!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lizette for showing us your book. You did an awesome job.

Sandi Berg said...

What a cool book! I love how cute it looks! I really like how you decorated it. What a neat idea!

Tania said...

Great chipboard book!

Lesli said...

Wonderful book - thanks for a great idea :)

Mandy said...

This is great... I really need to do one of these!

Niki Estes said...

Oh, I love this! You did a great job altering it!

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful! I love your book....makes a great gift.

~Emma~ said...

I had popped on to say thank you so much for leaving a comment on my blog...what I am going to say instead is....FLIPPING HECK!!!!!
I promised never to be envious of anyone else again and be true to myself..but...I WANT YOUR BLOG AND YOUR CREATIVE STYLE!!!!!!
Can I please add you to my fav blog list...PLEASE!!!!!!

MichelleO said...

What a cute album! Love the papers. Love these kind of chipboard books! You did a great job!

SeattleStamper said...

Holy cow this is awesome! I love everything about it. Thanks for sharing this creation.

ElyBlair said...

I love this project! Its soooo cute :)

Michelle Pearson said...

this is adorable. I just love chipboard books and yours turned out so fun! Love the papers you chose and your layouts!

ChrissyM said...

What a fantastic book! I love the papers you used! Very nice!

Laura lok said...

wow thats awesome great job

katiesniche said...

Great book! I've been wanting to do one of these. Yours is fantastic!

Julie said...

Wow, that is so cute. I really really like it. Very inspiring!

Amber said...

What a great book! I love smaller projects like that... thanks for the inspiration!

Godelieve said...

Such a gorgeous piece! Looks like a lot of work went into it. Fabulous!

Julia said...

This is beautiful! Makes me want to get back to my scrapbooking!!!!

Judy Rozema said...

What an awesome book! Do you remember where you got it?

Lizette said...

Jar, I just got it at my LSS.

Anonymous said...

Very neat project. Looks like a great grandparent gift.

Nardi said...

What a lovely album. TFS!

Jess said...

Wow, this is an amazing book! You put so much work into it, and it is lovely!